Beginner’s Guide to Sexting Book Deal!

I’ve got news: My book, BEGINNER’S GUIDE TO SEXTING, is being published by Alcove Press in Fall 2023! The announcement hit Twitter in August—just before I took off on an unrelated trip to Philly. The number of times my exciting book-related news has coincided with a trip is astounding and leads me to believe I need to take more trips. Packing my bags now!

Anyway, the book: I started writing this book for NaNoWriMo 2019, revised through 2020, and started querying in 2021. I found my agent in April 2022, and we wrangled that book and got it out on submission in June. I was thrilled to hear that Jess Verdi of Alcove Press fell in love with my silly little story, and I accepted Alcove’s offer in August. And here we are, staring at a calendar and wondering how Fall 2023 is both so close and so far away at the very same time.

About My Book

I post a few snippets here and there occasionally, mostly for #FridayKiss prompts, but I generally keep my writing secret lest someone actually read what I wrote?? (Getting brave enough to get critique partners was a journey, gearing up to query was another, then going on sub was wild… who knew publishing meant so much soul-baring was required?)

But now, it looks like my nerdy book is heading to bookshelves near you and it’ll be even more likely that people see my words in real-true-actual print. This book is filled with innuendo, friendship, pining, secret identities, and friends-to-lovers goodness.

Beginner’s Guide to Sexting Publishers Marketplace Announcement
Book Vibes!

I’ll post publishing updates occasionally, including shouting about the milestones when I have information to share. Marketing, woo! I’m super grateful to my critique partners, my agent, and my editor for making dreams come true. Let’s turn this into a book!

Oh, and if you want to stay in the loop and get book and non-book-related updates (recipes? knock knock jokes? gifs? cat facts? cat photos???) sign up for email updates below:

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